Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rainbow salad

Rainbow salad
One of my favorite things to make is a big, crunchy green salad. I make one a few times a week and eat it every night before my main dinner course. You can choose any type of veggies you prefer. 
I like 
Peppers, carrots, celery, radish and red cabbage
red pepper
red cabbage

Chop 'em all up then add them to a bowl. Look at those beautiful colors.

Rainbow salad

Then pick a type of lettuce or a few different kinds. I prefer red leaf. The pre packaged lettuce bags are super easy and simple as well. I like to keep my chopped veggies and lettuce separate. I feel they last longer that way.

Red leaf lettuce

This salad is very versatile and can be enjoyed with any type of dressing. You can also add avocado or some sunflower seeds for some extra nutrients.

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