Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Many people ask me what it is like to live with Celiac disease.

The simple answer is that at first it sucks. You feel isolated from the rest of society. I felt like a freak that I could not even touch a small piece of gluten with out literally breaking out in a blistering rash.

I was angry, sad and freakin' hungry.

All my favorite foods were off limits. No more bagels, bread or pretzel's from the mall. Eating out at a formal dinner? Forget it. Who knows what is in the sauce and maybe they cut the salad on the same board as the bread? I literally was starving and felt so anxious every time I would eat something in fear it would make me sick.

After some time, I started to get used to eating new foods and found that I felt SO much better I *almost* forgot about my old gluten favorites. One day I started to crave muffins and decided I would experiment with my old gluten-filled muffin recipe and see if I could make them edible with gluten free flour.

The result (after a few tries) was nothing short of miraculous. Ah ah ahhhhhh! I had an amazing muffin recipe that I could eat safely and that my kids loved. Heck I even felt confident enough making it for parties. Many people rave about these and I will make a video later this week showing exactly how to make these decedent gluten free muffins.

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