Monday, October 20, 2014


Many people look curiously at me whenever I load 5-6 Kombucha into my grocery cart. They wonder what it is and how it tastes and why in the world I would pay $3 a pop for it.  

I have my baby sister Laura to thank for introducing me to this miracle drink. She drinks them like they are going out of style.
One day I got a stomach bug that my littles shared with me. I felt not so hot and I trudged through the grocery store looking for something to make me feel better. I saw the row of chilled Kombucha drinks and decided to give it a shot. I grabbed the Gingerade flavor, paid for my groceries and plopped down in the car, exhausted and feeling sick. I opened the bottle, took a reluctant swig and an instant sense of relief washed over me. My stomach was settled and I felt amazing. It felt like the tea had washed all the nastiness out of my stomach. 

After that I was hooked. I try and drink one every day to keep myself healthy. There are many Benefits to drinking this miracle tea.

My personal favorite brand is Synergy and the flavors I prefer are the Trilogy, Guava and Cranberry (shown in photo). You can find this drink at Whole Foods and they carry them at most major grocery chains.

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